Get the most out of Epicor Prophet 21 by customizing it to meet the needs of your company. The P21 system allows organizations to improve their experience through enhancement.
BizXcel’s extensive history with software, databases and analytics gives us a unique perspective to help companies with changes and integrations into Prophet 21 that allow them to improve user experiences and get more information from their data.
Our professional services and consulting team are willing to share insights, best practices and solutions with companies to maximize their Prophet 21 implementations.
BizXcel is about solving problems by creating solutions to meet companies' needs. Assisting you with your needs and challenges is our reason for being. We listen to your problems and challenges carefully so we can build solutions that make your life easier. With vast experience in business and many technologies, the answer often lies in combining technology, processes and training for a holistic solution. Even if you don’t know what the problem is, but know that something isn’t right, we can work with you to identify what is happening and improve it. If you want to streamline processes, improve data accuracy, reduce costs, scale or have the ability to make better decisions, we can guide you through the process to improve your experience with Prophet 21.
Business Rules
Business rule creation and customization allow Prophet 21 systems to have automation beyond what is in the box. Companies can use Business Rules to validate data, capture additional information, move fields and trigger actions inside and outside of Prophet 21. Using Business Rules, companies can move beyond data entry and towards automating their systems to meet their users and business needs.
Screen Designer
Using Prophet 21 screen designers, companies can modify and change how Prophet 21 system looks for its users and can be customized based on user roles. Over years, BizXcel has worked with a similar system and learned the tricks to making screens look great and highlighting what users need to use. Through screen designer, companies can expand the information collected though additional fields that are stored in the database. New fields can be added to screens to display related or show calculated information to help users get more context about what they are seeing. For advanced use cases, new fields and buttons can be used to trigger business rules to aid with automation capabilities.
Data Streams and Crystal Reports
Data streams help Prophet 21 move information around the system and populate templates for Crystal Reports. Modifying these parts of the system allows companies to get the right information to the right place so users have what they need.
In Database Updates
The Prophet 21 system is backed by a robust database. The database system itself can be augmented in different ways, allowing new features to be added. Database-level data loads, functions, triggers and SQL optimization can allow companies to use database technology to enhance their systems' capabilities.
Custom Development
BizXcel has been building custom software for companies since day one, over twenty years ago. During that time, we have built software in C# (.Net), Java, Python, and many other technologies. Custom software can enhance or modify integration with Prophet 21, allowing more usage and streamlining operations.
Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
BizXcel has developed extensive reporting solutions for Prophet 21. These solutions can grow with an organization over time and can start small and scale as new insights are required. Using analytics with Prophet 21 data can allow companies to be data-driven organizations with the insights to make the correct choices.
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* Epicor Prophet 21 and P21 are property of Epicor